3 Tips For Picking The Right Moving Company For Your Move

3 Tips For Picking The Right Moving Company For Your Move

27 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you are moving soon, remember that you don't have to do it all on your own. You can hire a moving company like Men On The Move to help you with this important and laborious task.

Start Researching Companies Far in Advance

Do not try to find a moving company the week that you are moving. Give yourself time to fully research and find a high-quality moving company to work with. Give yourself time to research and get estimates from a couple different moving companies. Keep in mind as well that it is a good idea to book moving services at least a few weeks out. Try to start researching moving companies two to three months before you know you'll be moving.

Read the Reviews Online

Next, as you research moving companies, read the reviews online. Don't just depend on Google or Yelp, look at the reviews with the Better Business Bureau. The Better Business Bureau actually investigates negative complaints and posts the results on their website, so you can really get a feel for how a company conducts business by looking up reviews on the Better Business Bureau, where negative complaints are investigated to see if they are substantiated or not.

Find Movers Who Are Experts with Your Special Needs

If you have special needs, such as a piano that you need to have moved, or a lot of gym equipment, or you are moving long distance, look for a moving company that specializes in whatever your special needs are. That way, you can get your regular moving needs and your special moving needs met at the same time.

Get In-Person Estimates

Once you narrow down the list of moving companies that you want to work with, make sure that you get in-person estimates as well. Don't accept an estimate over the phone unless you are just renting a truck. If you are hiring a company to pack up all of your belongings or just to move all of your furniture and boxes into and out of the moving truck, you don't want to deal with any surprise costs.

With an in-person estimate, you are going to get the best estimate possible. Both you and the moving company will be able to be on the same page with how much stuff you have to move, and any unique obstacles your home presents, such as stairs or a long walk to where the vehicle will be parked.

Go Over What is Included

Finally, when you have found a moving company that you want to work with, go over what is included and make sure that you are aware of any extra fees that you may face. You don't want to be hit with any charges that are a surprise to you because you didn't go over the contract in detail. Make sure you are comfortable with and understand the contract before you sign it.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of great moving companies out there willing to work with you. The key is to find a moving company that can help you with your unique moving needs and that fits with your budget.

About Me
Keeping Your Pets Happy During A Move

Pets and small children alike typically have a difficult time transitioning into new situations, which is why I started focusing so seriously on keeping my entire family happy. I realized that the move we would be making across the country would be difficult for my animals, so I started doing some research to look for tips and tricks. I found that by taking breaks and letting them play at parks along the way, things were really simple. On this website, I thought it would be fun to explore different tips about moving, since you never know when you will find yourself in a moving truck.
